What is a camshaft ???

The camshaft is the one that gives movement with its windings to the adjustments, after a number of ways, including the camshaft and gears, according to the design of the engine, to open the exhaust and air valves in the face of the cylinder, and Also the injection units can be operated, and this is due to the design of the shaft, which is due to the design of the engine.
camshaft, camshaft explanation, camshaft information, camshaft installation


Where is the camshaft located

There is a camshaft in the internal combustion engine, the camshaft drives its rotational motion from the crankshaft directly and converts it into a straight reciprocating motion when it presses on the valve guide and the spring installed in it to enter the combustion mixture into the engine as As well as the exhaust exit from another valve in the same way in the timings related to the movement of the column elbow

Camshaft damage

How can the camshaft damage be identified from cam damage or cam erosion due to lack of oil reaching the cam?
It is also possible that there is a fracture in the camshaft. One of the reasons for the camshaft fracture is the presence of a defect in the camshaft bearings.

Adjust the camshaft with the crank

When adjusting the camshaft with the crankshaft, we say on this process the division of the car engine, the way the division of the engine works. I will explain the division of the car engine first. We must know that the division of the car engine is one of the most important things in the car engine, because if the division is not correct, the engine will not rotate finally, even if the division is not correct. A good one can rotate, but it vibrates and does not have a defect, and the engine in this case is similar to Neji's example to explain the division of the engine of the car, how the engine division works. A complete topic about the division of the car engine
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